Green Belt Body of Knowledge

Green Belt Body Of Knowledge

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Body of Knowledge comprises a set of concepts that are considered to be universally accepted subject matter requirements for clarity in understanding the working of the six sigma green belt. It serves as the medium for individuals and institutions of six sigma respectively to derive value through understanding, designing course curriculums, and examination patterns. It facilitates the students, in preparing for their exams, by knowing the specific set of topics that needs to be emphasized. The Six Sigma Green Belt Body of knowledge is structured based on the DMAIC framework for six sigma functions.

i). Define

ii). Measure

iii). Analyze

iv). Improve

v). Control

i). Define

Identification of the problem

Identification of the problems mainly involves, knowing the process and the possible obstacles that result in the deployment of Six Sigma, for subsequent process improvements. Also, identify the different parties to a particular project. Identifying the customer preferences, through feedback and converting feedback into results, through the application of various quality tools.

ii) Measure

Performance Assessment

This involves examining the process with respect to the performance variables(Input and Output). Establishing relationships between the input and output variable with the help of Cause and Effect diagrams and flowcharts. Application of statistical tools like the probability to draw a fine distinction between the population parameters and sample.

iii). Analysis

Root Cause Analysis

This involves analyzing the cause, which resulted in the variation, also the application of tools like FMEA(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) for identifying the cause for process failures, and MultiVariate Chart to analyze the different variations in the process.

iv). Improve

Design Of Experiment

The design of the Experiment refers to a statistical method that is concerned with the planning, analyzing, interpreting the values, or a group of parameters. It is a powerful data analysis tool that facilitates experimentation, by manipulating the input factors that lead to achieving a desirable output.

v). Control

Exercising quality control measures to ensure that the process remains at a certain level of efficiency. Keeping an eye on the process behavior by the application of tools like Statistical Process Control (SPC). Employing techniques like 5S and Poka-Yoke for visual control and immediate error detection possible.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy as first introduced in 1956, by Benjamin Bloom it helps in categorizing the education objectives based on the cognitive levels of thinking. The International Council For Quality emphasizes the learning process and the examination pattern, based on the following six levels mentioned below:-

i). Remember

ii). Understand


iv). Analyze

v). Evaluate
